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So what is brand and rebranding? And why bother creating a brand or rebranding your firm. In brand land there’s a common saying, it goes something like; ‘it’s not what you say about your brand, it’s what your customers say about your brand’. It’s a nice soundbite, it regularly gets an airing in conversations about brand. For us, there’s a vital element missing from it. And that’s how firms can influence their customers and audiences to say what the firm want them to say about their brand. That’s the true intelligence of branding and rebranding.

Brand isn’t a logo, colours, or imagery, although these aspects of brand identity are key elements, brand is much more about what you wrap around these things; strategic messaging, content themes, product positioning and how customers find the experience of buying and interacting with your firm.

We help firms implement killer brand and rebranding strategies, soup to nuts. This means we create amazing brand identities, strategic positioning, strategic messaging and create content themes that your firm wants to be famous for. In support of brand creation we create beautiful websites, design and implement successful marketing campaigns, manager social media and create amazing content marketing strategies. Therefore, our take on that common ”brand’ soundbite mentioned earlier is; ‘brand is influencing your customers to say what you want them to say about you’

Brand and rebranding – our services

We provide an integrated brand and rebranding approach. This means we cover all aspects of brand creation including:

  • Brand strategy
  • Strategic communications and messaging
  • Personality, tone and content themes
  • Product proposition and competitor positioning
  • Brand identity – logos, imagery, colours
  • Employer brand – including internal communications
Brand strategy
Strategic messaging
Brand activation
Design and creativity